Environmental Disclosure for the Electricity Products of Inspire Energy Holdings, LLC

Information Disclosure Label

Electric suppliers and distribution companies are required to provide customers with a disclosure label. The label enables consumers to look at the energy sources, air emissions, and information about the supplier’s company in order to make a more informed choice of a power supplier.

Labor Info

24% of the electricity assigned to the NEPOOL GIS Quarterly system mix came from power sources using union labor, while 76% came from power sources not using union labor. The label information percentage was calculated by dividing (1) the number of certificates identified as union labor on the NEPOOL-GIS report by (2) the sum of net energy load from the ISO-NE report. These values are for electricity generated and assigned to the NEPOOL GIS System Mix during the period 01/01/2022 - 12/31/2022.


  1. Electricity customers in New England are served by an integrated power grid, not particular generating units. The above information is on generating units assigned to this electricity product. To obtain information on all generating units owned by, or under contract with Inspire, call 1-866-403-2620.
  2. See reverse side and your contract terms and conditions for further information on this label. You may also call Inspire at 1-866-403-2620 or the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources at 1-617-626-7300.


Generation Price and Contract:

Generation Prices displayed are representative average prices for electricity at usage levels that are typical for residential customers. Contract items displayed present the length of your contract for generation service, and the price terms included in your contract. See your recent bills to determine average monthly use, and your Terms of Service for additional information.

Power Sources:

The electricity you consume comes from the New England power grid, which receives power from a variety of power plants and transmits the power throughout the region as needed to meet the requirements of all customers in New England. When you choose a power supplier, that supplier is responsible for generating and/or purchasing power that is added to the power grid in an amount equivalent to your electricity use. Known Resources include resources that are owned by, or under contract to, the supplier. System Power represents power purchased in the regional electricity market. Biomass refers to power plants that are fueled by wood or other plant matter. Hydro resources of greater than 30 megawatts in size are deemed “large hydro.” All other hydro resources are deemed “small hydro.” Other Renewables include fuel cells utilizing renewable fuel sources, landfill gas, and ocean thermal.


Emissions for each the following pollutants are presented relative to the regional average emission rate.
- Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is released when fossil fuels (e.g., coal, oil and natural gas) are burned. Carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, is a major contributor to global warming.
- Nitrogen Oxides (NOX) form when fossil fuels and biomass are burned at high temperatures. They contribute to acid rain and ground level ozone (or smog) and may cause respiratory illness in children with frequent high-level exposure. NOX also contribute to oxygen deprivation of lakes and coastal waters which is destructive to fish and other animal life.
- Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) is formed when fuels containing sulfur are burned, primarily coal and oil. Major health effects associated with SO2 include asthma, respiratory illness and aggravation of existing cardiovascular disease. SO2 combines with water and oxygen in the atmosphere to form acid rain, which raises the acid level of lakes and streams, and accelerates the decay of buildings and monuments.

Labor Data:

The information on this label regarding whether generators or suppliers operate under collective bargaining agreements is provided to inform you about whether the energy was produced in plants where employee wages and working conditions are mutually determined by employees and management and protected by union contracts. The information on this label regarding the use of replacement employees during a labor dispute is provided to inform you of whether or not a generator or supplier during a strike by or lock-out of its employees has replaced them with other workers.

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